In looking at some of the people I follow on Twitter, I'm impressed and intrigued by the number of followers they have accumulated. Then it dawned on me that perhaps there's a way to make some money by selling access to your twitterati. Suppose you wanted to gain some insight into what David Meerman Scott's followers had on a PR or Marketing idea you had. For a price and maybe a $ on the hash tag you would be permissioned to survey his list. Same could go for someone who wants to know what David Pogue's followers have to say about a new gadget or device.
Is anyone doing this now? Do you think it is similar to the panel business that market research firms have built?
Like where you are going on this however concept needs to be built out a bit. Twitter is becoming a serious powerhouse for aggregating groups of people / content. For advertisers or companies though, aggregation is not enough (think Skittles homepage example or YouTube business model). There needs to be attrribution, some moderation (even just filtering), controls with expectations for participating.
*I have created a platform for this and will explain (tried not to pimp) below*
I've been thinking along these lines also and started the #socialmedia conversation on Twitter. Every Tuesday Noon EST for one hour. The sessions come with moderators from different industry and focused on the Business of Social Media. Anyone is invited and can participate by simply using the #socialmedia in the post.
To get value out of this in the long term though is different. For this I created as a standalone site. the site announces new topics and moderators. Captures a database of the dialogue that you can look back through (events) and filters live content during each event. Even with over 700 posts in an hour, you can follow along (moderator posts are separated on the side) and participate right from one page.
Take a look. Can be repeated at for any # or event. Tried not to pitch anything but wanted to let you know it's out there and available.